
We can connect your business with reliable bradband connection

Andisa provide high speed broadband specifically for business users.

What makes our broadband service different?

  • The level of support – when you get a problem we find the solution. Slow exchanges, faulty lines, configuration problems are all common place with broadband systems. We have direct access to the service providers and get response times in minutes for a fault!
  • Constant Monitoring- Our systems check your line every 5 minutes and send TEXT alerts to our support team if your router or line shows a fault. We can fix faults before you even know about them.
  • Low contention ratio – Your connection is shared with many other customers at the exchange. You all fight for shared bandwidth. If everybody downloads a file at the same time, then broadband is slow.
    Our broadband is designed for business use. It is ordered through a different process and gives a lower contention ratio. This means less customers on the same exchange and faster broadband.
  • Flexibility – we can “bond” broadband lines together to gain extra speed and provide resilience to faults. If broadband is not suitable we can also arrange leased lines with much more speed.Business Internet Service Provider Andisa IT offer a range of high quality internet connectivity solutions to all businesses in the UK. Business Broadband Internet – UK DSL Solutions  from Andisa IT, Harrogate

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Hosted Server Uptime


SINCE 01/12/2019, LAST UPDATED 29/11/2020

What Our Customers Say

  • The entire team that handles our tickets at Andisa are all super friendly, professional, knowledgeable and an absolute pleasure to work with.
    Most recently Ash has been setting up some laptops with some fairly obtuse software for us, however, the process, which is usually difficult and arduous, has been really smooth thanks to him.

    I look forward to working with him again!

  • We spent the last few days desperately installing generators for our clients in Scotland - trying to get ready for the XMAS period amongst strikes and power cuts.
    If only you provided generators, then power would be as reliable as the network you set up for us. That never goes wrong - if a line fails the system automatically connects to the spare line and our customers keep running! Well done.
    You made a real difference to our business, because you stopped us getting a massive surge of calls each time there was a line fault.

    Dave Short
  • Hi,

    Hope your week is going well so far.

    We are just about caught up from Friday 😊 I wanted to drop a message to say thank you for jumping on this so quickly last week.

    Your care and attention was greatly appreciated and you certainly made me feel calmer.

    Kind regards, HAYLEY

    Hayley -
  • "My company just couldn't cope without you guys, everything is so simple with you around. In fact it seems beyond other suppliers to set up a network so its reliable".

    When we asked why the client simply said "because I just want it to work and you guys are the only people who have been able to get us to that state".

    Robin -
  • Andisa have just completed a design and build project to give us a new network capable of expanding to man racks so that we can expand our streaming monitoring business.

    All I can say about the router they sent us is: it was the smoothest transition I've ever had!

    I have been involved in many upgrades over the years but this build and swap out was faultless. Andisa visited for twice. Once to audit / research and once to install the new kit. They agreed the outcomes at the start of the project, reviewed each day and ultimately delivered exactly what they promised. And as I said, it was the smoothest transition I have ever had!

    Ryan Fife -