IT Support Contracts

We keep your system running

Andisa IT Consultants are expert support specialists!

  • Do you worry that your IT just isn’t enabling your business?
  • Do you want a reliable network with no more worries?
  • Would you like to see your IT techies less frequently?
  • Do you feel that people spend too long fixing IT issues rather than performing productive work?
  • Are you frustrated with varying support costs each month?
  • Do you have staff complaining that they waste time because they cant send invoices automatically by email?

More often than not these problems are caused by poor configuration of existing networks and the wrong versions of software installed rather than by faulty hardware.

Our process of onboarding with a mini Insight process to spot existing problems, working with you on delivering immediate improvements, and then settling into reliable support will overcome all of these problems and more. The important thing is to get the supplier and the onboarding to work well.


Our support services address all of these concerns and more. Andisa has a well proven but innovative approach to support  that ensures you get the most out of the relationship.

It all starts with the onboarding, where we  run our equipment audit to find all equipment, set it up so we can support remotely, and to generate an accurate asset list. This mini version of our Insight process is so important because it let’s us collate all the information needed to help and support right from the off.
The information collection processes have been developed over two decades and is quite automated so that we don’t miss anything. The automation allows us to visit each PC and user personally to spend time understanding the users needs whilst collecting deep technical data.
There is nothing worse than an IT provider who is unable to help just because they don’t have the information or knowledge to hand but our process eliminates that risk. Our mini Insight gets us off to a running start.

( See the details of our full “Insight process” at IT Insight ; make sure your IT works for you. ).


Because our consultants have checked your network out personally they have gained a good overview of the way the the users access the system and also their challenges and frustrations. When our consultants combine their overview with the results from the onboarding they can spot poor configurations and correct them wherever possible. This helps solve issues that would otherwise be an obstacle to business growth.

It’s the hands on approach from our onboarding process that lets the team spot issues so reliably . Once identified they will be logged on our own CRM and issue logging system so they can be tracked and driven through to resolution. Our team will log everything that they think will help. That way you get to make a conscious decision about improvements and we will return to issues spotted even if they are only applicable in the future.

Our aim is to understand the core of your network and to make it reliable. Past experience shows that we can  onboard a client and deliver success from the start.

We can make an unreliable network support a business in less than 3 months including all the relationship building, Insight process, onboarding, planning and improvement work.

From that point onwards we provide smooth support and let your employees work on their own tasks rather than being bothered by IT issues.

The value of ongoing support & monitoring

Networks need managing and without this hidden but constant attention a network soon starts under performing. Our support contracts are designed to keep a network running optimally.

Watch the short video where Andy Morrison, our MD explains why you do need a support contract to keep your staff productive.


Call us to discuss how to onboard 01423290029


What’s Included?

On site labour Unlimited onsite support time.
Discounted labour rate for project work.
Remote support Included
Calls from contract customers are automatically routed to an engineer directly rather than reception whenever possible.
PC response time max. 4 Hours
Server response time max. 2 Hours
Telephone support Included
Critical failure priority Yes
This means that although we say we will respond inside 2 hours to a server issue, if it’s a critical problem we will respond far more quickly. This is agreed during the initial response call.
One point of call for all hardware issues Yes
System monitoring Email system alerts for backups, system bottlenecks and failures.

PRTG network monitoring added to broadband line, server and router to check critical services automatically.

Shared Loan Server We will provide a loan server or alternatively a hosted cloud server on our own hosting system until your own server can be repaired or replaced.

We will then move your system back to your own live server

Planned maintenance Annually we will check over and update the system with available

Operating system patches.
Router and firewall patching included.
(Patches are charged at cost but are normally provided free by Microsoft).

Technical / strategic advice You can ring for advice or help with other suppliers. Many of our clients will call us into the board room once a year to meet with other suppliers and discuss future plans and IT strategies.
Virtual IT manager service Scheduled regular IT review on site with your IT manager / board.
This helps with IT strategy, review of performance etc.
365 User & licensing management We connect your 365 organization to our management system and then manage your licensing and users. We will for instance add users / retire users as you expand.
Term 1 year minimum term


You will note that we charge for parts with these contracts. We reduce our own charges by asking you to pay for the cost of parts if they do go wrong. We provide the labour and expertise to resolve the fault within the contract. We feel this is fairer to the client. We also extend our contracts to cover help on anything server related, IE Antivirus software, Networking equipment and software related issues. The only limit is the time built into the contracts.

Contact Us

What Our Customers Say

  • The entire team that handles our tickets at Andisa are all super friendly, professional, knowledgeable and an absolute pleasure to work with.
    Most recently Ash has been setting up some laptops with some fairly obtuse software for us, however, the process, which is usually difficult and arduous, has been really smooth thanks to him.

    I look forward to working with him again!

  • We spent the last few days desperately installing generators for our clients in Scotland - trying to get ready for the XMAS period amongst strikes and power cuts.
    If only you provided generators, then power would be as reliable as the network you set up for us. That never goes wrong - if a line fails the system automatically connects to the spare line and our customers keep running! Well done.
    You made a real difference to our business, because you stopped us getting a massive surge of calls each time there was a line fault.

    Dave Short
  • Hi,

    Hope your week is going well so far.

    We are just about caught up from Friday 😊 I wanted to drop a message to say thank you for jumping on this so quickly last week.

    Your care and attention was greatly appreciated and you certainly made me feel calmer.

    Kind regards, HAYLEY

    Hayley -
  • "My company just couldn't cope without you guys, everything is so simple with you around. In fact it seems beyond other suppliers to set up a network so its reliable".

    When we asked why the client simply said "because I just want it to work and you guys are the only people who have been able to get us to that state".

    Robin -
  • Andisa have just completed a design and build project to give us a new network capable of expanding to man racks so that we can expand our streaming monitoring business.

    All I can say about the router they sent us is: it was the smoothest transition I've ever had!

    I have been involved in many upgrades over the years but this build and swap out was faultless. Andisa visited for twice. Once to audit / research and once to install the new kit. They agreed the outcomes at the start of the project, reviewed each day and ultimately delivered exactly what they promised. And as I said, it was the smoothest transition I have ever had!

    Ryan Fife -